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The Drive Test

Vicroads testing offices have designated parking spots for cars on test. You should reverse the car into one of these spots so that when you start your test you can simply just drive out of the spot. Don't forget if you need to turn out of the spot you must indicate to leave the parking spot.


Next a Vicroads office will do your paper work, take your learner's permit from you and keep it while your on test. they will check all your details name address that sort of thing. They will then check your logbook.

After that they will ask you three questions.


  1. Has your learner's permit ever been suspended?

  2. Do you have an overseas license?

  3. Are you taking any medication?

Note; If you are taking medication you will need to check with Vicroads prior to your test, to see if you need a doctors clearance to sit your test.


After that they will do an eye chart test and then give you instructions on how the test will be conducted ie. how they will give you directions and that there is no talking in the car while on test. However you are permitted to ask them to clarify or repeat any instruction they give you. Remember you are being tested on your driving skill not how well you can understand what they are saying, so when in doubt ask.


Next they will meet you at the car and do a pre-drive check. This check serves two purposes firstly it sees if the car is working properly and is safe and road worthy the second is to see whether you know and can work each function on the car. Those functions are as follows


  1. The indicators

  2. The headlights, low and high beam

  3. The washer and wipers

  4. The horn

  5. The hazard lights

  6. The rear demister

  7. The front demister 

  8. The hand brake

  9. The foot brake


The tester will then get in the car and once they have their seatbelt on and are comfortable they will give you a direction to move off to. After that you will drive and show off those mad skills you have.


The drive part of the test is in two halfs. The first half is mostly in small suburban streets and it is here that they will ask you to do a reverse paralle park or a three point turn. at the end of the first stage they will ask you to pull over to the curb, don't worry it's part of the test. Start  stage two, they will ask you to pull away from the curb. from here on you will go from main roads, dual lane road and small suburban streets they will ask you to perform lane changes and right hand turns across busy intersection. But nothing that your Zooz driving instructor hasn't perpared you for. 


Remember that most Vicroads testing offices carparks are a 'shared zone' meaning pedestrians and cars share the space and shared zone speed limit is 10km you really need to watch your speed here.

Short cut to Vicroads license booking site
Book Drive Test
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