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Learner Permit

The Learner test can now be taken online and the first attempt is free of charge. you will need to create a Vicroads account first. Then after reading the learners hand book on road rules and have practiced the test online. 

Step 1

Step 2

Create an vicroads account 

Do the test online 


Step 3

Go to a vicroads service centre and have your Permit issued.
You will need to 

  • provide evidence of your identity 

  • complete an eyesight test

  • have your photo taken. 

Learner's Test

The learner's test is a multiple choice computer test just like the practice ones on the vicroads website. It is not hard and is mostly commons sense. It is possible and many of our past student have told us that they did not read the learns book but just did the practice test online and past the test. However just passing the learners test isn't really the point off it. the point is to know the road laws which are designed to keep you safe.


Read the learners book don't rely completely on the online practice tests, after your read the book then do the online pactice.


Vicroads Links.


Learner logbooks.

Currently there are two ways to log your learner driving hours the one vicroads wants you use is the "myLearners" app. 


                                                    Get the app here - 

How does a Supervisor pair up with a learner?

The learner driver sends an invitation to the supervising driver from within the myLearners app. Alternatively, the supervisor can invite the learner too. The invitation is sent to the supervisor or learner via email. Once the supervisor and/or learner accepts the invitation, they can register for myVicRoads (if they don’t already have an account) and then register for myLearners. When the registration is complete, the supervisor and learner are now paired up to complete drives together.

How to respond to an invitation in the app?

When you receive an invitation and you have the app, the invitation will appear in your invitations tab under the RECEIVED heading.

  • You can accept the invitation by tapping on the green tick.

  • You can decline the invitation by tapping on the red cross.

  • If you accidentally decline the invitation, the person who sent it to you will need to send you another one

The other is the original paper log book.


Common errors made fill out paper book logbooks are 


  • Name and learners number at the top of every used page.

  • Supervising driver page not filled out.

  • Supervising driver signatures not the same.

  • Pages missing.


With the last point of 'pages missing'. It doesn't matter what page number you start on but every page after that must be in order without a break. So if you make a huge error and want to re-write your book you can by simply pulling the pages out and starting on the next clear page and re-write all of your entries. This saves you from needing to buy a new logbook.


Tip. Take photographs of your logbook's pages regulary so you have a backup, many a learner has lost their book and had to start all over again.

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